Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Atheism is reality. Theism is fantasy.

The word atheism should be unnecessary because there shouldn't be any theists. There should be no theists because their god fantasy is ridiculous and childish. Unfortunately there are theists, millions of them. Their disease is out of control so the word atheist was invented to describe people who don't have this mental illness.

Why am I 100% certain there are no gods? One excellent reason is gods are unnecessary. Many theists dishonestly pretend their god is not a god of the gaps but everyone knows they're lying. To justify their god fantasy theists always invoke their god's magical powers to solve a scientific problem (as if god-did-it ever explained anything), but a big problem for theists is scientists are constantly eliminating hiding places for their god of the gaps. Why invoke a god to explain a scientific problem that might be solved next year? Some theists deny the science that makes their god unnecessary, but the only thing they are proving is they're uneducated morons.

Charles Darwin and the thousands of biologists who came after Darwin have repeatedly shown that god fairies had absolutely nothing to do with the development of new species. So god has been chased out of its most important hiding place. For all other scientific problems where theists try to stick their god of the gaps, Darwin had this brilliant reply:

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.
-- Charles Darwin

Another important quote from the author of Why Evolution is True, the University of Chicago biologist Jerry Coyne:

If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that what conquers our ignorance is research, not giving up and attributing our ignorance to the miraculous work of a creator.
-- Jerry Coyne

When theists invoke a god fairy, they are saying "I can't solve this problem (or I deny this problem was solved), therefore everyone living today and all future generations will not be able to solve this problem, therefore my god fairy waved its magic wand."

In other words the theist is saying "I'm too fucking stupid to solve this problem therefore it was magic."

Another important quote:

"Science is a philosophy of discovery, intelligent design is a philosophy of ignorance."
-- Neil deGrasse Tyson

Theists could say "Scientists are still working on it" but then where would they be able to hide their fairy? They could grow up and throw out their invisible friend but they won't do that because no god equals no heaven, and cowardly theist assholes would never stop crying if they had to deal with this reality.


"No gaps left for the god of the gaps" is an excellent reason to throw out the childish god fantasy but it isn't the best reason.

The best reason I have for being 100% for sure certain there are no gods is very simple. It's fair to call every god ever invented a supernatural magician. Many theists dishonestly deny their god is a fairy with a magic wand but who cares what idiots say? If a theist invokes a god for something they are always invoking it to make something magically happen. They can deny this all they want but they are only proving they're either dishonest or they're too bloody stupid to understand their own fantasies.

Invoking god equals invoking magic. Magic is impossible. The impossible never happens. Therefore there is no magic in the universe, and therefore there are no gods with magical powers in the universe.

Wasn't that simple? A shorter version of the same thing could be "God equals magic. Magic equals bullshit."

About right here a theist would stupidly say "How can something come from nothing." They are trying to hide their god of the gaps just before the Big Bang. They are trying to solve a scientific problem with magic.

There's two problems with this pathetic attempt to justify their idiotic god fantasy. Their worst problem is "magic is not real". Their other problem is scientists already have an explanation for something from nothing. I recommend they read A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing by Lawrence M. Krauss.

This is a branch of science I'm not very interested in, but all I have to know is magic is bullshit therefore there has to be a scientific explanation for everything, whether or not every problem is eventually solved.

To the world's theists (and the equally stupid agnostics), please try to grow up and throw out your magic fantasy. Your god disease is good for nothing but slowing down human progress and it makes you look like cowards.

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